Projects |
Description |
2025 | Voxel Slugs | Interactive animation of slugs on a cube |
| DREAM RIDE | Multi-player arcade game for Dreamcast and emulators |
2024 | Bender 2: Bend Harder | Bend a bar to any angle, on Playdate |
| Nova Extensions | Various text editor extensions to enhance productivity |
| Otaku! | iOS app for optimised searching of multiple Japanese online stores |
| Stapler | Modern remake of an old launcher app from the classic Macintosh era |
| Alfred Moby Games | Alfred workflow to search for video games by name |
| Super ICARUS | A survival racer, for Playdate |
2023 | Fore! Track | It’s golf in a tank, for Playdate |
| YOYOZO | Physics-based arcade game for Playdate |
| Sparrow Solitaire | Mahjong Solitaire puzzle game for Playdate |
| Great Wave Today | Where can I see Hokusai’s Great Wave today? |
2022 | Circular | Crank controlled arcade game for Playdate |
| Bender | One button arcade game for Playdate |
2021 | 1-bit Woodblocks | Reinterpretations of classic Japanese woodblock prints |
2020 | Iwata Asks Downloader | Archiver for the highly regarded Iwata Asks interviews |
2019 | Moai Games | A list of video games featuring Moai |
2017 | favemoji | Emoji instead of favicons in Safari |
2016 | Emojipedia | Emoji Dictionary for macOS, created for #WorldEmojiDay |
2015 | Boom Dots | Remake of casual game Boom Dots using the Phaser JavaScript framework |
2013 | Chrome Extensions | Extensions to add features to Chrome |
| iStockLargeComp | Safari and Chrome extension to download large comps on iStockphoto.com |
2012 | Vanilla plugins | Plugins for the Vanilla Forums online community software |
| Bender | Game for the AGBIC independent game development competition |
| AGBIC | Community website for an independent game development competition |
| Fun Folds | Photography app for iOS - fold photos of friends for fun! |
| Alfred Extensions | Extensions for Alfred the macOS productivity app |
| Combo Explorer | Interactive guide to kart combos in Mario Kart 7, for iOS and Android |
2011 | Wire Hang Redux | Addictive “coffee break” video game for Mac and PC |
| Flicky (1984) | Tumblr blog about the classic Sega arcade game Flicky |
| Sunset Taker | Photo manipulation and sharing iPhone app for Grand Marnier, designed by Isobel |
| Monkey text editor add-ons | Language support for monkey in TextMate, Sublime Text 2 and other editors |
| monkey | Logo and documentation system for monkey, an exciting new programming language |
| ProxyConnect | Plugin for WolfCMS open source content management system |
| MoSI | iPad app for the Revolution Manchester exhibition at MoSI, designed by kin Design |
2010 | Safari Extensions | Extensions to add features to Safari |
| Loveletter Generator | Reimplementation of an early computer algorithm from 1952 |
| Inception | Social web browser for all iOS devices |
| Sun Safe | Sun bathing alarm and health information iPhone app. In partnership with Skcin |
| Dream Past | Video game reviews. Old but gold |
| fCards | Digital postcard iPhone app for leading independent stock photo library fStop Images |
2009 | Minipops | Famous people drawn really small. 1,000 illustrations by Craig Robinson in a handy iPhone app |
| dd-gui | A simple GUI for the dd copy command under macOS |
| Services | Services to do cool stuff, like calculating maths expressions in the selected text of any OS X app |
| VGdates | Subscribe to constantly updated video game release date calendars |
| PNGenie | Lossless PNG optimiser for macOS with simple drag and drop operation |
| Today | Date and time display as a macOS screen saver. Inspired by On Kawara’s “Today Series” |
| Ladder Golf | Interactive Ladder Golf lawn game score card for iPhone and iPod touch |
2008 | Mölkky Score | Interactive Mölkky lawn game score card for iPhone and iPod touch |
| Radio Paradise Official | Extended information for Radio Paradise on your Chumby. Official widget |
| ebay2ics | Get reminders of eBay auction end times |
| Chumby widgets | Various widgets for the Chumby internet enabled device |
| cue2xml | Simple cue/chapter file conversion |
2007 | speaklolcat | Translate English to lolcat, just for fun |
2005 | Ceefax Viewer | Dashboard widget to view Ceefax at any time |
| UK.keylayout | macOS keyboard mapper to make Mac keyboard behave like PC keyboards |
2004 | Wire Hang Redux | Addictive “coffee break” video game |
| Archive | Old web stuff I did before this domain existed |
| Moved to this domain | |